Tickets to go on sale today for #BFCGenoa
The sale of tickets for #BFCGenoa on Tuesday 21 September begins today at 18:30 CEST, with two days reserved for 2019/20 season ticket holders.
We remind you that the following measures are in place:
- Dedicated prices for 2019/20 season ticket holders
- Reduced prices for Under 18s
- Under 12s may enter without the need for a molecular swab or a Green Pass
- At the Vivaticket points of sale (listed here) (opening hours on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are determined by the individual shops).
- Through the BFC call centre at 051-6111177, with payment by credit card (Visa -not Electron- and Mastercard) and via the print@home method, whereby you print your ticket directly at home, thus removing the need to collect anything at the stadium (as for example happens with air or rail tickets).
- Online, exclusively on the Vivaticket website using the print@home method.
- Online, by using a voucher received by those who requested a refund for their 2019/20 season ticket.
Please note that for the purchase and entry it is necessary to present a personal identity document in its ORIGINAL form where the residence is specified; new driving licenses or identity cards WITHOUT indication of residence ARE NOT VALID, just as photocopies or photographs on smartphones are not valid.
All information relating to prices is available here and at the call centre
ATTENTION: Liguria residents can only buy tickets in the Away Curve, and only with a Supporter’s Card.