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According to the Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu’s degree regulations, theses are public documents and their supporting material may include other public or non-public documents related to the thesis. The existence of supporting material must be verified in the public part. Only the public part of the thesis can be taken into account for the evaluation of the thesis.

Your work will be assessed by the content teacher(s) and the language advisor. In addition, you may be assessed by your supervisor, and you may carry out a self-assessment. Usually the publications in the are prepared in accordance with all the rules. The thesis will be assessed on the competences required for the thesis, i.e. learning skills, innovation skills and written reporting.

The assessment will be based on the assessment criteria (pdf) and the student will also fill in a self-assessment form and request feedback from the sponsor via a feedback form.

Areas and focus of the assessment
Learning skills: (40 %)
Objectives and scope of the work
Knowledge base and rationale, concepts and definitions, use and quality of sources
methods and working methods/tools
time management
ethics and reliability
Innovation skills: (40 %)
Collaborative working
performance of an expert task
creative problem solving and development of working methods
usability of results/outputs
oral presentation
Written reporting (20 %)

The assessment items will be graded on a scale of excellent (5), good (4 or 3) or satisfactory (2 or 1), resulting in an overall mark.

Request for correction

According to the examination regulations, a student who is dissatisfied with the assessment of his/her coursework may request a correction orally or in writing from the teacher who carried out the assessment within 14 days of the publication of the assessment results. The student may submit a written request for correction to the examination board within 14 days of receiving the teacher’s written reply. The request for correction is submitted to the examination board of Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu.

Publication in Theseus

You can publish your thesis in electronic form on Theseus, the online publication service of universities of applied sciences. The Theseus guide of the Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu provides instructions on how to publish your thesis. Please remember to remove any contact details of persons in any attachments.

Converting the thesis into a PDF/A file

The thesis is saved as a PDF/A file before being saved in Theseus according to the instructions. PDF/A is an ISO-standardised file format for long-term storage and archiving, which Theseus uses to store theses and publications, so a standard PDF is not sufficient.Before writing an essay in English, read – We have tried to make it as useful and practical as possible. And if I had to take a break from studying English – definitely.

Other publishing channels

Theses of relevance to the field can also be published in the Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu’s publication series B or D. The publication process is initiated by the supervising teacher with the student’s consent. The final decision on the admission to the publication series and the level is made by the Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu’s publication working group.
Related resource:
How to Become a Tutor: Useful Tips for Beginners
How to Read and Memorize: Simple Techniques for the Student
Study time is the happiest time
How a Student Can Become a Web Design Genius

Finalità di Profilazione
Pre-vendita solo per abbonatipossessori «We are one» cardcittadini bolognesi. Le vendite regolari inizieranno il .

